
Anyone had a boss that was otherwise well-intended and caring, but pushed to work hard?

The CEO of a company where I interned at comes to mind. He pushed everyone to work hard (Nothing too crazy. 50~60 Hrs were the norm.) and kinda old school about work culture. But he made damn sure everyone got taken care of and when things were (temporarily) bad, he took his own paycut and when things turned around for the better, he gave everyone a bonus worth half year salary. His company's policy didn't require employees to use sick time/PTO as long as doctor's note was avail.

The CEO of a company where I interned at comes to mind.

He pushed everyone to work hard (Nothing too crazy. 50~60 Hrs were the norm.) and kinda old school about work culture. But he made damn sure everyone got taken care of and when things were (temporarily) bad, he took his own paycut and when things turned around for the better, he gave everyone a bonus worth half year salary. His company's policy didn't require employees to use sick time/PTO as long as doctor's note was avail.

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