
anyone have any new career suggestions?

I’ve worked in customer service my entire working career. Right now I’m working for a well known company’s customer support. The job started out great with awesome benefits and meet-able expectations. About 2 months ago, shit hit the fan. We take 3 live chats at once for the entire shift. it used to be just responding to emails and on social media, but now we have to juggle 3 conversations at once, which my brain is not capable of doing. I have ADD and it’s impossible for me not to get confused when having 3 conversations at once. you also have to respond in each chat within 90 seconds or it’s an automatic fail. It really negatively affects me mentally. I get very overwhelmed, and am being treated like i suck at my job because i can’t meet these un-meet-able expectations. Besides that, they’ve also been making changes that have…

I’ve worked in customer service my entire working career. Right now I’m working for a well known company’s customer support.

The job started out great with awesome benefits and meet-able expectations.

About 2 months ago, shit hit the fan. We take 3 live chats at once for the entire shift. it used to be just responding to emails and on social media, but now we have to juggle 3 conversations at once, which my brain is not capable of doing. I have ADD and it’s impossible for me not to get confused when having 3 conversations at once. you also have to respond in each chat within 90 seconds or it’s an automatic fail. It really negatively affects me mentally. I get very overwhelmed, and am being treated like i suck at my job because i can’t meet these un-meet-able expectations.

Besides that, they’ve also been making changes that have brought in a lot of new customers. Our support team has less than 50 people, trying to help millions of customers daily. The work volume is insane and it seems like it’ll only get worse as this company continues to grow in popularity.

Every single one of my friends have quit since shit hit the fan. I am now the employee with the most seniority, and the new hires are also starting to drop like flies.

I’ve been looking for new jobs for weeks but it looks like this is just the country’s standard for customer service now? all the job descriptions i read say that you need to be able to chat with multiple customers at once. With my ADD, this really isn’t something I’m capable of doing. I feel really stuck and hopeless and don’t know what other options i have.

Has anyone ever experienced this in the customer service industry before? How did you deal with these expectations? Do you have any suggestions of other work I could look into doing since it seems like customer service is no longer an option for me?

I appreciate any help anyone can give, and thanks for reading.

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