
Anyone have experience reporting employer to Wage and Hour Division?

Please the excuse the old OF account. Started working at an indie counter service place, tips are pooled and split evenly among FOH/BOH by hours- fine. Apparently the GM and Kitchen Manager are taking an equal share of the tip pool- not fine. I spoke to the GM in person, and told her to her face I don’t think it’s legal. She just said, “that’s how we do payroll.” So I reported to the WHD the next day, waiting to hear back if they meet the enterprise threshold to be investigated. Anyone have experience making a similar report?

Please the excuse the old OF account.

Started working at an indie counter service place, tips are pooled and split evenly among FOH/BOH by hours- fine.
Apparently the GM and Kitchen Manager are taking an equal share of the tip pool- not fine. I spoke to the GM in person, and told her to her face I don’t think it’s legal. She just said, “that’s how we do payroll.” So I reported to the WHD the next day, waiting to hear back if they meet the enterprise threshold to be investigated.

Anyone have experience making a similar report?

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