
anyone wanna talk about personality tests for jobs

i'm just going off cause im very angry rn as someone who's looking for jobs and already is tired of the continuous asking of me to make an entire account for each individual company i apply to, for whatever fucking reason. but the most annoying thing will always be finally finishing retyping all of the shit that's literally on your resume, just to be met with that dreadful follow up email. “thank you for taking your time to apply, now the next step is to do a 30 minute personality test so we can figure out how depressed you really are and if you will sacrifice your sanity and physical health for this 15/hr job.” it's fucking ludicrous. i just had a job (it was a big bank company) tell me i needed to download a gaming app to finish the “next step” of my application. i was reading the…

i'm just going off cause im very angry rn as someone who's looking for jobs and already is tired of the continuous asking of me to make an entire account for each individual company i apply to, for whatever fucking reason. but the most annoying thing will always be finally finishing retyping all of the shit that's literally on your resume, just to be met with that dreadful follow up email. “thank you for taking your time to apply, now the next step is to do a 30 minute personality test so we can figure out how depressed you really are and if you will sacrifice your sanity and physical health for this 15/hr job.” it's fucking ludicrous. i just had a job (it was a big bank company) tell me i needed to download a gaming app to finish the “next step” of my application. i was reading the reviews and people were completely furious because the testing was completely inaccurate, took personal info from people, and was basically just a piece of junk. the app was called pymetrics btw. if anyone has any articles or studies done on the discrimination of personality tests , i would greatly appreciate it. i feel like this is something a lot of people are dealing with while applying to jobs.

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