
Anyone who is against remote work is an idiot and is brainwashed.

You gotta wake up early in the morning to eat a cheap unhealthy breakfast because you cant afford real food, then take a shower in your small cramped bathroom with a lukewarm weak water pressure shower then dress in your old cloths because you cant afford new ones, lock the door to your small crammed apartment that the rent just increased 15% then get in your old beat up car that has so many problems you cant afford to fix, stop to get enough gas to get to work and worry if it’s enough to get home with, then drive in terrible bumper to bumper traffic with other poor people doing THE SAME FUCKING THING to only get to your shit soul sucking mind blighting dead end job that HARDLY pays you enough to BARELY survive!!! Work 8 HOURS OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE!! Being paid as little as your bosses…

You gotta wake up early in the morning to eat a cheap unhealthy breakfast because you cant afford real food, then take a shower in your small cramped bathroom with a lukewarm weak water pressure shower then dress in your old cloths because you cant afford new ones, lock the door to your small crammed apartment that the rent just increased 15% then get in your old beat up car that has so many problems you cant afford to fix, stop to get enough gas to get to work and worry if it’s enough to get home with, then drive in terrible bumper to bumper traffic with other poor people doing THE SAME FUCKING THING to only get to your shit soul sucking mind blighting dead end job that HARDLY pays you enough to BARELY survive!!! Work 8 HOURS OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE!! Being paid as little as your bosses can get away with!! Go to lunch get a $1 burrito that’s freezer burned, go back to work to only wait in traffic again!!! Just hoping your car has enough fumes to make it home!!! To your SHIT NEIGHBOR APARTMENT THATS FALLING APART AND THR LANDLORD REFUSES TO FIX ANYTHING!! To only end up charging you repair fees and keeping your safety deposit when you are forced to move out to hopefully find a even more CHEAP FALLING APART SHIT NEIGHBOR APARTMENT where the landlord is exactly the same!!!!’
When you get home you are too mentally exhausted to do anything but watch some tv and pass out DREADING the next day because ITS A NEVER ENDING CYCLE!! when you could stay home and save so much of their time and mental energy working the exact same job but in your home, you can be with their family!! The time you save you can find a better job and save money to fix broken shit in your life you can do so much you can learn how to be financially secure you can learn the stock market and invest for the future the lost goes on. BUT they dont want you to have the freedom!! They want you poor they want you emotionally and mentally drained they want you to buy prescription medication, thru want you to turn to crime they want to keep you uneducated!!! Because they make so much money when you aren’t educated and have no freedom!! They fear a free and educated populous!! That’s their biggest fear!! It always has and always will!!!! We are nothing to them but small tiny stepping stones to their goals of being super rich and powerful, we mean literally nothing else to them it’s a fact and something like this is proof.

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