
Ao3 as labor reform model?

Anyone here familiar with AO3? It’s a non-profit fan fiction site, and it was created by a group of authors (published and not) in reaction to the privatization of other fanfic sharing sites. Basically, the people who owned/set up sites like were making money off of content others were writing and sharing for free. Then the owners started putting more ads up and talking about setting up a paid membership. The people basically said no to profiting off their labor, and crowdsourced how to set up their own non-profit website. And it worked; it’s been running for almost a decade, is super popular, and gave people an option for sharing there content somewhere where others won’t make money off them. And I guess I started thinking about how the Black Panthers did a similar thing with free community medical clinics, and I was wondering if this could be applied…

Anyone here familiar with AO3? It’s a non-profit fan fiction site, and it was created by a group of authors (published and not) in reaction to the privatization of other fanfic sharing sites. Basically, the people who owned/set up sites like were making money off of content others were writing and sharing for free. Then the owners started putting more ads up and talking about setting up a paid membership. The people basically said no to profiting off their labor, and crowdsourced how to set up their own non-profit website. And it worked; it’s been running for almost a decade, is super popular, and gave people an option for sharing there content somewhere where others won’t make money off them.

And I guess I started thinking about how the Black Panthers did a similar thing with free community medical clinics, and I was wondering if this could be applied to making cars or something.

Like does anyone know of any effort to make cars, or phones, or other major items that are pretty needed today, with the non-profit model? Like they’re just trying to make a car that works (and that people can actually repair themselves) and pay themselves and their staff but not make business profit?

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