
Apparently Anonymous means nothing

Please excuse on mobile. I work for a medical billing office. My boss is and has admitted to being a control freak and has in the past tried to stick their nose into everything that happens with everyone both work life and personal life. Back in March our company did an anonymous survey for how the company is doing. You know, the basic categories of pay, purpose, satisfaction with management, etc. The scale was satisfied, neutral, unsatisfied, all with a section to add comments. Majority of my answers were neutral with no comments because anything negative was situation specific and could be easily identified. As a team, there were a lot of dissatisfied and neutrals and no commentary to explain what the issues were. So naturally, my boss set up a team meeting to attempt to discuss where the downfalls are. BASED ON AN ANONYMOUS SURVEY. That they would not…

Please excuse on mobile.

I work for a medical billing office. My boss is and has admitted to being a control freak and has in the past tried to stick their nose into everything that happens with everyone both work life and personal life.

Back in March our company did an anonymous survey for how the company is doing. You know, the basic categories of pay, purpose, satisfaction with management, etc. The scale was satisfied, neutral, unsatisfied, all with a section to add comments. Majority of my answers were neutral with no comments because anything negative was situation specific and could be easily identified. As a team, there were a lot of dissatisfied and neutrals and no commentary to explain what the issues were.

So naturally, my boss set up a team meeting to attempt to discuss where the downfalls are. BASED ON AN ANONYMOUS SURVEY. That they would not have access to any information except the numbers explaining the results and any notes.

With no one on the team willing to really discuss anything negative, especially with management, we are now being scheduled for individual discussions so that my boss “has knowledge on what needs to be improved upon”.

Did I mention this was results of an anonymous survey?

So now I’m writing out what I’m willing to tell my lead before my boss has personal discussion herself (looking at 2 meetings this week) which isn’t much. I understand her point of view, about wanting to know what exactly is wrong so they can improve, but that throws any anonymity out the door.

If I wasn’t sure that retaliation would occurred (or at least a degrading conversation), I would spill so much and explain why I don’t trust my management. Too bad boss is really good at word vomiting and would make any argument or disagreement moot. It’s not worth it.

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