
apparently I’m meant to be at work rn

I'm currently doing my notice for my current job, I've been there for about 6 months and things have very suddenly fallen apart. One person's wife died and now does very little hours (which is fair enough, I'd do the same), promised a promotion and never got it, the area manager refuses to change the flooring, promised a new one to be laid down in January, and it's February now… He also is forcing us to have one person in shift at a time, which is next to impossible on weekends. Things keep breaking, we're chronically understaffed, the new kitchen manager is lazy (I end up doing the majority of work when I'm in with him) and now I'm being given random hours and days to do. I put my notice in because I can't have a social life in this place, I never know when I'm working, it changes…

I'm currently doing my notice for my current job, I've been there for about 6 months and things have very suddenly fallen apart. One person's wife died and now does very little hours (which is fair enough, I'd do the same), promised a promotion and never got it, the area manager refuses to change the flooring, promised a new one to be laid down in January, and it's February now… He also is forcing us to have one person in shift at a time, which is next to impossible on weekends. Things keep breaking, we're chronically understaffed, the new kitchen manager is lazy (I end up doing the majority of work when I'm in with him) and now I'm being given random hours and days to do.

I put my notice in because I can't have a social life in this place, I never know when I'm working, it changes mid week, or even multiple times in one day… it's very unpredictable. I recently got a text saying I might have to do x hours today but no conformation on my actual online schedule (which is what they normally do). So today I assumed “oh its okay because they've got someone to cover/don't need me/x person who's ill is back early” because of how blaintantly unpredictable everything is, that maybe they don't actually need me today… And I've just had a notification saying I'm meant to be working, when I'm not even scheduled in.

I got a text yesterday saying I'm meant to be doing x next week, without any double checking if I'm free, and given me a holiday too?? Like what's the point in that? I'm leaving on the 24th, they need all the help they can get. Again, this didn't show up on my schedule either.
So I'm not going in today, I've screenshotted my schedule as proof, and telling them for good that I'm not doing it and they can't make me. I owe them nothing, they owe me their business. I came in when the rest of them were fighting and sent home, came in Christmas day and boxing day, was scheduled nye despite asking for it off months before because its my bfs birthday (I didn't go in because fuck you I worked the holidays back to back with a new menu, 2 other workers in a constantly hectic 100+ booked restaurant every day for over a month). They're lucky I even gave them notice about my resignation, considering they can't even give me notice when I'm working until the day before, put it on my schedule, or at the start of the week it's due.

The only thing I'm worried about is that my new job is still taking references, she emailed me this early morning asking if she can take one from my current employer. I said yes, not too long ago, and I'm worried they're sabotaging my ability to do my notice. I'm just sick of it. It's just been downhill since October, we're all tired and burnt out. They can keep my money for all I care, roll it up into a little tube and shove it up their arse. If I didn't need their reference I would've quit on the spot.

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