
Apparently threats and racism are not a big deal…?

I work in a sushi restaurant at night and we ran out of bok choy halfway through a slow Saturday. A guest said to a server, “Do I need to get my gun and go shoot some gooks for some bok choy?” I am of Korean descent and gook is the “n” word to Koreans and Vietnamese. I was appalled and told the server to get management and have the guest removed/asked to leave immediately. She continues to be overly friendly and does nothing. So I tell the manager to please ask this man to leave, as I take great offense to a threat about shooting gooks regardless of context. (Context: old white male said comment. 40 yr old white female server from affluent upbringing. 30 year old white female general manager) I waited and waited… she sat at front within view of man while doing something at front desk…

I work in a sushi restaurant at night and we ran out of bok choy halfway through a slow Saturday. A guest said to a server, “Do I need to get my gun and go shoot some gooks for some bok choy?”

I am of Korean descent and gook is the “n” word to Koreans and Vietnamese. I was appalled and told the server to get management and have the guest removed/asked to leave immediately. She continues to be overly friendly and does nothing. So I tell the manager to please ask this man to leave, as I take great offense to a threat about shooting gooks regardless of context. (Context: old white male said comment. 40 yr old white female server from affluent upbringing. 30 year old white female general manager) I waited and waited… she sat at front within view of man while doing something at front desk for at least 5 mins. She eventually “writes an email to owner” 15 mins later and doesn’t come back down until literally 15 seconds after the guest was allowed to pay and leave. No one said a word. I threatened to quit because (what the fuck is going on here???) and she calls and “leaves a voicemail” for guest. I don’t know what she said but I doubt it was “don’t come back”.
Now, three days later, I am scheduled for a night shift so I text her asking what the owner said. No response all day. Meanwhile I suffer from anxiety and this has set me off. I’ve had multiple small anxiety attacks and was woken by a nightmare this morning. I can tell it is because I’m not excited to go back to a workplace where I feel nothing has been, or will be done. I did not go over her head to the owner because we are friendly and I don’t want to get her in trouble. I don’t know what to do but my blood pressure is 155/105 today and I can’t wrap my head around why no one is taking this seriously.
I doubt it was formally written up and I can’t help but think if the man made a blatant threat/slur against her Honduran boyfriend or said the “n” word… if the response would’ve been more swift/ severe?
Am I going crazy?? Is it me? Is this not a big deal in an Asian restaurant in a very progressive and welcoming suburb?
All I wanted was the guy banned from the restaurant and an assurance that action will be swift and clear. But crickets…

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