I have to enter the same information 500 times, and the auto form fill never seems to get it quite right. Plus everything you're asking for is in my resume anyway. I didn't write it because I like writing resumes. Just read the goddamn resume, assholes.
And stop asking for my references' home addresses. No employer needs to know that and I'm not giving it. I don't care if you throw a field in my face that asks for it, I'm just repeating the email address.
“Please explain any gaps in work history.” “Tell me you're an asshole without telling me you're an asshole.” [I happen to be lucky and blessed enough to have no gaps in my last 15+ years of work history, but I'm sure there are many who don't have that going for them in this day and age].
“Have you ever been fired from a job?” Who hasn't? (At least if you live in an “at-will” employment state like me). Is this supposed to be some kind of psychout lie test bullshit? Speaking of which, I don't do those psych questionnaire things, throw that at me and I'm done, don't want your job.