
Applied for a job. The manager was friends with my old boss and decided to message her even without me putting her as a reference

I quit my job in May because they were switching up my position to the point where I was unhappy with the situation and the direction the store was going in. I voiced my concerns and in the end they decided my position, the assistant manager, wasn’t needed so if I wanted to continue working there I would have to take a $2.50 pay decrease and still have all the responsibilities. Obviously I wasn’t happy with this so I quit. I didn’t yell, I didn’t make a fuss, I just told my boss that I quit and walked out. Also to add that I haven’t spoken with this boss since I quit. Fast forward to now I’ve been out of a job for a couple months and I’m really trying to get something. Here enters belk. Now belk has an opening in a department I’m very familiar with, like I’ve…

I quit my job in May because they were switching up my position to the point where I was unhappy with the situation and the direction the store was going in. I voiced my concerns and in the end they decided my position, the assistant manager, wasn’t needed so if I wanted to continue working there I would have to take a $2.50 pay decrease and still have all the responsibilities. Obviously I wasn’t happy with this so I quit. I didn’t yell, I didn’t make a fuss, I just told my boss that I quit and walked out. Also to add that I haven’t spoken with this boss since I quit.
Fast forward to now I’ve been out of a job for a couple months and I’m really trying to get something. Here enters belk. Now belk has an opening in a department I’m very familiar with, like I’ve done that same job for about a year. So I applied and waited a bit. Unbeknownst to me, the manager of belk is friends with my old boss. Now just to point out, I didn’t have her as a reference, I didn’t have any of her contact information, the lady just noticed I worked at job so she messaged her personally. And my old boss didn’t have anything nice to say. Which I have been a fantastic worker under her for about 3 years. The only time we had problems was this last month. I guess this is mostly a rant post, but it’s frustrating having someone who should have nothing to do with my application getting shoved into it and because she wants to be petty she decides to talk trash and hurt my livelihood.
That’a what I’m angry about. If you have any questions about the situation or anything I’ll be happy to answer.

And sorry about the formatting I’m on mobile

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