
Are all employers this bad ?

THE GOOD This summer my father and his brother bought a beach bar and I was there as a server. The money was ok (considering they were not taxed since I didn't “officially” work there) and the benefits were nice since I had a free meal and free water and the people were amazing. This job helped me realize how good I am at service and how much I like interacting with costumers. THE BAD My job was basically : serve, prepare drinks, sit under the sun to see if anyone wanted anything, prepare the shop for the night and bother people into coming inside. I would do that for 6 to 8 hours usually. My father never onced told me I was doing good without me asking him. He always told me that real work was much harder and that he was “doing me a favor” by being my…


This summer my father and his brother bought a beach bar and I was there as a server. The money was ok (considering they were not taxed since I didn't “officially” work there) and the benefits were nice since I had a free meal and free water and the people were amazing. This job helped me realize how good I am at service and how much I like interacting with costumers.


My job was basically : serve, prepare drinks, sit under the sun to see if anyone wanted anything, prepare the shop for the night and bother people into coming inside. I would do that for 6 to 8 hours usually. My father never onced told me I was doing good without me asking him. He always told me that real work was much harder and that he was “doing me a favor” by being my employer. Meanwhile I had to deal with his devil of a wife who is lazy as a pig (and spread lies to my father) and my crazy aunt who doesn't know english and assulted a black guy during the year because she thought he was a beggar. She also had fights with the stuff regularly and even with me a couple days ago because she doesn't consider me her equal.

needless to say I wont come back if he is open next year

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