
Are any of you worried about automation?

Forgive me if this post isn't a traditional anti work post but this is the target audience that I am most interested in hearing from. Are you worried about automation in your field? To what degree to you think automation will impact the work you currently do? Do you think the job you have now will continue to exist in one form or another, or will a machine/automated sequence eventually take it over? How do you see automation effecting the job market in the coming years? I work selling capitol equipment to manufacturing industries and am watching them embrace automation with a willingness that absolutely was not there 10 years ago. To be clear I'm not talking about large manufacturers like auto makers or Ikea I am talking about small regional companies that only do a few million a year in business that are investing heavily in automation. Edit: spelling

Forgive me if this post isn't a traditional anti work post but this is the target audience that I am most interested in hearing from.

Are you worried about automation in your field? To what degree to you think automation will impact the work you currently do? Do you think the job you have now will continue to exist in one form or another, or will a machine/automated sequence eventually take it over? How do you see automation effecting the job market in the coming years?

I work selling capitol equipment to manufacturing industries and am watching them embrace automation with a willingness that absolutely was not there 10 years ago. To be clear I'm not talking about large manufacturers like auto makers or Ikea I am talking about small regional companies that only do a few million a year in business that are investing heavily in automation.

Edit: spelling

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