
Are employee bathrooms a privilege or a right?

I work at a popular diner chain that is primarily known for their ice cream. Our particular building could use a remodel. There's dips in the tiles, our equipment is pretty old, our dining room carpet is ugly looking, our break room could double as a closet (it's probably about the same size as the managers office now that I think about it), but most importantly, there aren't employee bathrooms. We only have 2 restrooms which are pretty pointlessly gendered because they're both single stall. I've never worked another restaurant job to know anything different, but it's something I've really been thinking about since 4th of July. We were extremely busy and there was quite a line for the bathrooms, and I ended up leaving the building to use the bathroom somewhere else, only to find out everything was closed, and making the walk of shame back to wait in…

I work at a popular diner chain that is primarily known for their ice cream. Our particular building could use a remodel. There's dips in the tiles, our equipment is pretty old, our dining room carpet is ugly looking, our break room could double as a closet (it's probably about the same size as the managers office now that I think about it), but most importantly, there aren't employee bathrooms. We only have 2 restrooms which are pretty pointlessly gendered because they're both single stall.

I've never worked another restaurant job to know anything different, but it's something I've really been thinking about since 4th of July. We were extremely busy and there was quite a line for the bathrooms, and I ended up leaving the building to use the bathroom somewhere else, only to find out everything was closed, and making the walk of shame back to wait in line.

We usually don't get much business, so it's not that huge of a problem on the daily, but I just wondered if only having 2 bathrooms in a workplace is odd, unethical, normal, or if anyone has something similar at their work.

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