
Are silly KPIs intentionally designed that way to have a reason to harass or fire employees?

I'm working in a company where I need to correct the mistakes that the automated system makes. It's a simple but fast paced work. The thing is there are KPIs not only for the quality of corrections I make but also the number of corrections. But, I have no control over the number of corrections as it totally depends on how many incorrect tasks are there in the queue. So I usually end up with a lot fewer tasks even though I'm spending the same amount of time on the job while moving through the queue of tasks. And now my manager is pressuring me for not meeting this imaginary target of N number of tasks in a month. Like how is it my mistake, or how am I accountable for something that's not in my control at all. Something similar happened at my previous job where my employer asked…

I'm working in a company where I need to correct the mistakes that the automated system makes. It's a simple but fast paced work. The thing is there are KPIs not only for the quality of corrections I make but also the number of corrections. But, I have no control over the number of corrections as it totally depends on how many incorrect tasks are there in the queue.

So I usually end up with a lot fewer tasks even though I'm spending the same amount of time on the job while moving through the queue of tasks.

And now my manager is pressuring me for not meeting this imaginary target of N number of tasks in a month. Like how is it my mistake, or how am I accountable for something that's not in my control at all.

Something similar happened at my previous job where my employer asked to reduce the number of refunds I generate even though it was not in my control. As it depended on the kind of complaint that I got and there was SOP that I have to follow. So I had no discretion at all. I just entered the complaint in the computer and it informed about the replacement or refund whatever I was supposed to give to the customer. But somehow I was made accountable for that as well.

I don't understand what these KPIs will achieve. And they certainly don't seem to be a good measure for employees performance. And the employer must be knowing this as well. Only reason that makes sense is that it's a convenient way to fire someone over “performance reasons.”

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