
Are there any jobs that aren’t torture?

I work retail and have to deal with Karens (had a really awful one today) so I know my job is firmly in the “torture” category. But then I think about what I can do for a job if I escape this one and everything just seems like you are either overworked, have to deal with terrible bosses, have to deal with terrible clients, have to deal with terrible coworkers, have to deal with dangerous conditions, have to deal with something really uncomfortable like handling dead bodies or working in cold weather or all the other thousands of “catches” to basically every job I can think of. And if you do some kind of scam or grift where you take advantage of people then it's easy but you have the guilt of hurting other people which is also torture. And if I decide to be my own boss, then it's…

I work retail and have to deal with Karens (had a really awful one today) so I know my job is firmly in the “torture” category. But then I think about what I can do for a job if I escape this one and everything just seems like you are either overworked, have to deal with terrible bosses, have to deal with terrible clients, have to deal with terrible coworkers, have to deal with dangerous conditions, have to deal with something really uncomfortable like handling dead bodies or working in cold weather or all the other thousands of “catches” to basically every job I can think of.

And if you do some kind of scam or grift where you take advantage of people then it's easy but you have the guilt of hurting other people which is also torture. And if I decide to be my own boss, then it's a huge risk and I'll have to put in a ridiculous amount of hours (so, overworked, again). Or if you decide to climb the ladder and be a corporate executive, you're usually either really overworked and stressed out or you've made your job easy, but at the expense of coworkers/customers and now you can't live with yourself unless you're a sociopath.

I guess the real answer is: heir/heiress, worker's comp, have rich parents, sugar daddy/mommy-haver, findom, etc

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