
Recruiters annoy me to no end

When I get invited to an Interview i make sure to always be on time. In fact, I am always at least 5min early. Besides all the other “rules” that you should consider during interviews, like not asking for pay and shit like that, how is it possibile, that in the 10-20 interviews I made, NOT ONE OF THE INTERVIEWERS had the common courtesy to be on time. They are ALWAYS LATE. It ranges from 2-3 min, to 10-20, and immediately I'm thinking, how is it a dealbreaker when i ask for pay, but you assholes can't be bothered to lift your ass off of your seat 2 min early?? When it was already announced that I'm waiting? Fucking hell, its asenine to lay out so many rules for the applicants, and then behave like complete trolls yourselves.

When I get invited to an Interview i make sure to always be on time. In fact, I am always at least 5min early. Besides all the other “rules” that you should consider during interviews, like not asking for pay and shit like that, how is it possibile, that in the 10-20 interviews I made, NOT ONE OF THE INTERVIEWERS had the common courtesy to be on time. They are ALWAYS LATE. It ranges from 2-3 min, to 10-20, and immediately I'm thinking, how is it a dealbreaker when i ask for pay, but you assholes can't be bothered to lift your ass off of your seat 2 min early?? When it was already announced that I'm waiting? Fucking hell, its asenine to lay out so many rules for the applicants, and then behave like complete trolls yourselves.

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