
Are there any places to even report or warn others about sexual harassment, discrimination, retaliation in companies?

It feels like unless you can get a large group of people to speak out, it's tough luck. I worked at US office a well-known company in my industry and not only experienced harassment, discrimination, bullying, and retaliation, I know others have as well, and to the point several of them thought very seriously considered ending everything at one point during their employment. While I did complain to the state, it was mostly swept under. I also found that they'd been reported before. One of the people who retaliated against me was a boss. When I brought it up to my supervisor, I was told everyone knew and is just how things work there. That boss was known for going after younger female employees and apparently people made it a point not to invite him to parties because of it. I was stalked, sexually harassed, and constantly made uncomfortable by…

It feels like unless you can get a large group of people to speak out, it's tough luck. I worked at US office a well-known company in my industry and not only experienced harassment, discrimination, bullying, and retaliation, I know others have as well, and to the point several of them thought very seriously considered ending everything at one point during their employment.

While I did complain to the state, it was mostly swept under. I also found that they'd been reported before.

One of the people who retaliated against me was a boss. When I brought it up to my supervisor, I was told everyone knew and is just how things work there. That boss was known for going after younger female employees and apparently people made it a point not to invite him to parties because of it.

I was stalked, sexually harassed, and constantly made uncomfortable by another employee and when I reported it to my supervisor, he sat on the information, claiming to want all sides before passing it all on. No one ever did anything for weeks, while I was actually afraid to even leave the office after work.

The same management that knew all these things, that others have said always turn a blind eye, that I have proof knew the truth? They all protected the reputations of harassers and gave them charge after chance. They all got promoted for being completely negligent. And I have proof they tried to get me fired after I reported harassment.

And it sucks that these people are still there. They get rewarded. Nothing will ever be done and no one cares unless you have hundreds or thousands of people who'll speak up.

That's just how it feels. You have to be from Blizzard or Amazon or Tesla… Otherwise, though…

Sorry for the rant. I needed to vent.

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