
Are there any sites or colab-lists of known service industry/retail businesses that are anti-workers?

I figure this is a good sub to ask the above. Something like an anti-Tripadvisor where people specifically list out businesses in the service and/or retail industries that are at least currently doing things to keep their workers down. Obviously checking lower ratings on the normal sites is one way to get a vibe. But that is mostly about like food taste or ranting about customer services. I for one would love to know if I am coming across someplace new (or old to me even) have bad ethics with how they treat workers. Maybe see if they have “let go” of lots of workers even though they have been profitable. For example, Best Buy cut thousands of workers at the end of 2020/beginning of 2021 even though they were seasoned workers (lots of which chose to keep working so others that wanted/needed to stay in actual lock down could).…

I figure this is a good sub to ask the above. Something like an anti-Tripadvisor where people specifically list out businesses in the service and/or retail industries that are at least currently doing things to keep their workers down. Obviously checking lower ratings on the normal sites is one way to get a vibe. But that is mostly about like food taste or ranting about customer services. I for one would love to know if I am coming across someplace new (or old to me even) have bad ethics with how they treat workers. Maybe see if they have “let go” of lots of workers even though they have been profitable. For example, Best Buy cut thousands of workers at the end of 2020/beginning of 2021 even though they were seasoned workers (lots of which chose to keep working so others that wanted/needed to stay in actual lock down could). Also while making profits that were higher than any recent normal year. They have forced everyone else to work basically all the positions with some minor exceptions. No real time given for new people to train before placing them on real regular-ass schedules (I have seen people that get put out after maybe two days of training without there really being older staff to really keep an eye on them for help).

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