
Are there any work from home jobs that have low requirements for entry that have lots of free time?

All over Reddit I hear how people who get to work from home only do about 10 hours a week or get their work by Monday afternoon and get the rest of the time to do what they want. To me, this sounds like a dream job to have. But after doing some investigating a lot of these jobs are in tech/government work and require years of experience and college degrees to attain. What I want to know is can a job like that exist for entry level? Are there call centers, bookkeepers, data entry workers, virtual assistant type jobs where you can get your work done quickly and have the rest of the day to do what you want?

All over Reddit I hear how people who get to work from home only do about 10 hours a week or get their work by Monday afternoon and get the rest of the time to do what they want. To me, this sounds like a dream job to have. But after doing some investigating a lot of these jobs are in tech/government work and require years of experience and college degrees to attain. What I want to know is can a job like that exist for entry level? Are there call centers, bookkeepers, data entry workers, virtual assistant type jobs where you can get your work done quickly and have the rest of the day to do what you want?

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