
Are these normal work availability requirements?

My job that I have worked at for over a year now has started requiring people to submit proof that they have outside obligations in order to have a specific off day. Meaning you can’t have a preferred day off, or a consistent day off from week to week unless you bringing something they deem as valid proof of a whole day commitment that qualifies as important. (Note, there is no strict definition as to what counts as a good reason to need a day off, it is at managements discretion) Barring you bringing in proof, the schedules will change from week to week to whatever management thinks is necessary. Schedules are supposed to be released at least two weeks in advance, but lately have been posted not even a week before. I admittedly don’t have a ton of job experience, but is this normal?? A lot of college students…

My job that I have worked at for over a year now has started requiring people to submit proof that they have outside obligations in order to have a specific off day. Meaning you can’t have a preferred day off, or a consistent day off from week to week unless you bringing something they deem as valid proof of a whole day commitment that qualifies as important. (Note, there is no strict definition as to what counts as a good reason to need a day off, it is at managements discretion)

Barring you bringing in proof, the schedules will change from week to week to whatever management thinks is necessary. Schedules are supposed to be released at least two weeks in advance, but lately have been posted not even a week before. I admittedly don’t have a ton of job experience, but is this normal??

A lot of college students work this job, and will be expected to work on days they have class, they will just be scheduled the hours around it with no choice in days off unless the classes run literally all day.

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