
Are things really this hopeless? (US)

I guess I'm just looking for hope here. I'm barely 18 years old and I think just beginning to emerge from the traumatized catatonic state I was in since a long time ago. I haven't had a real job since I was fifteen and the time has come when I really need to get one. I read through this subreddit full of people talking about how hopeless they are and how they're suicidal. I'm finally at a place where I can confidently say I'm doing better and do not want to die, but the prospect of pure misery until death is horrifying. I'm planning on going to barber school as a practical skill to keep me going while I figure out what the fuck I'm gonna do with my life. I bike for transportation and live at home which I don't hate so maybe I can just save for a…

I guess I'm just looking for hope here. I'm barely 18 years old and I think just beginning to emerge from the traumatized catatonic state I was in since a long time ago. I haven't had a real job since I was fifteen and the time has come when I really need to get one. I read through this subreddit full of people talking about how hopeless they are and how they're suicidal. I'm finally at a place where I can confidently say I'm doing better and do not want to die, but the prospect of pure misery until death is horrifying. I'm planning on going to barber school as a practical skill to keep me going while I figure out what the fuck I'm gonna do with my life. I bike for transportation and live at home which I don't hate so maybe I can just save for a few years at home once I get out of highschool? I'm really trying hard not to fall into a debt trap and trying to live my life in the most meaningful way I can. I know sometimes reddit can be an echo chamber which can amplify feelings, especially negative ones. So I guess with that being said, is there room for me to be hopeful? Am I just doomed to be a cog in a corporate machine worth absolutely less than dirt? Are all of you truly that hopelessly miserable? I'm really not meaning to sound condescending or anything, I just genuinely want to know.

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