
As a Canadian, I really hope to see any Americans who can go on strike Monday!

If you have the means and ability, and are on the fence, I think now is the most important time to demonstrate the working class’ strength. While your federal government effectively ruled women do not have bodily autonomy, the implications for other minority rights and even consensual sex (aka completely private matters) are terrifying. Please do what you can! The world is counting on you, and voting will only get you so far.

If you have the means and ability, and are on the fence, I think now is the most important time to demonstrate the working class’ strength. While your federal government effectively ruled women do not have bodily autonomy, the implications for other minority rights and even consensual sex (aka completely private matters) are terrifying.

Please do what you can! The world is counting on you, and voting will only get you so far.

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