
As a company owner this sub changed my life, but i need help now.

I have my own company. I was never considered a bad boss, or harassed any of my employed but the because of a failed economy, things were fucked up lately. I managed to recover after some years, but the workspace was getting more depressed due to the nature of our work and deadlines. I wanted to get better . Since i'm in this group my employees are no longer just “human capital”, and i treat them as they should. Hired better people for HR, more employees, More pay and better mood (from every side) made the working environment a great place, and actually made better profits. I make some jokes here and there, but I'm a serious guy when working. I have this guy that i want to promote, and he's is a great prankster, and made me laugh several times. He's not only funny, but a great person and…

I have my own company. I was never considered a bad boss, or harassed any of my employed but the because of a failed economy, things were fucked up lately. I managed to recover after some years, but the workspace was getting more depressed due to the nature of our work and deadlines. I wanted to get better . Since i'm in this group my employees are no longer just “human capital”, and i treat them as they should. Hired better people for HR, more employees, More pay and better mood (from every side) made the working environment a great place, and actually made better profits.

I make some jokes here and there, but I'm a serious guy when working. I have this guy that i want to promote, and he's is a great prankster, and made me laugh several times. He's not only funny, but a great person and he works his ass off, and tries to help everyone to improve their and his work while creating bonds.

He's gold.

I want to promote him, i have the meeting in an hour. Help me prank him, i need something to make him think that is something wrong with his behaviour while not saying anything. I'm a not native english speaker, and he is so i lack the vocabulary.

Pls help.

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