
As a European who’s reading all of your testimonies every single day…why don’t you start a revolution?

I know what you're going to say, and maybe you're right: “why don't you start a revolution too, in your own country?” Well the funny thing is, despite us not having it as bad as you guys, we're pretty close. You guys remember the “gilets jaunes” in France? I can tell you, Macron was known to have shit his pants during this entire thing which got us very very close to a civil war. I don't know how it was painted in the USA, but I can tell you that it was very close to a revolution, and most people in France would agree that it was only a prelude to something much bigger that will eventually happen. In other words, it's bad, really bad. I haven't seen something of that magnitude yet (although there was the black lives matter thingy, but that's not the same thing imo) happen in…

I know what you're going to say, and maybe you're right: “why don't you start a revolution too, in your own country?”

Well the funny thing is, despite us not having it as bad as you guys, we're pretty close.

You guys remember the “gilets jaunes” in France? I can tell you, Macron was known to have shit his pants during this entire thing which got us very very close to a civil war. I don't know how it was painted in the USA, but I can tell you that it was very close to a revolution, and most people in France would agree that it was only a prelude to something much bigger that will eventually happen. In other words, it's bad, really bad.

I haven't seen something of that magnitude yet (although there was the black lives matter thingy, but that's not the same thing imo) happen in the United states. Is it because you have more to lose, because the government would resort to violence right away, because the super rich own everything, because (and that's a very respectable and sensible thought) a civil war on an American scale would be very scary yada yada yada…what is it? What prevents the American people to fight this? Obviously most of you guys are completely lucid, awake, and aware of what's going on. Tons of you are very smart people who've been through the most selective graduate programs that there are, and who would love nothing more than for things to change.

Do you think that something will trigger it, do you guys have any hopes of seeing it happen, or is it just hopeless?

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