
As an outsider I’m interested on hearing what drives this mindset

Not here to disparage or really talk anybody out of it; I'm just genuinely curious how some of you came to these ideologies. My only exposure to this pro-communism mindset is an old coworker. We used to work with each other at this dead end office job making like $11-12 an hour back in like 2011-12ish. He never moved on and is now 40, living at home, posting pro-communism memes to himself. I saw the place was a shit hole that I didn't want to waste my time in after a year and left. Went to warehousing where I worked 12 hour days and made ok pay for the time, was at $18 an hour but my paychecks were insane with all the overtime. After 2 years I grew tired of the OT and started looking at trades. When I got off work I would attend my trade school classes…

Not here to disparage or really talk anybody out of it; I'm just genuinely curious how some of you came to these ideologies. My only exposure to this pro-communism mindset is an old coworker. We used to work with each other at this dead end office job making like $11-12 an hour back in like 2011-12ish. He never moved on and is now 40, living at home, posting pro-communism memes to himself.

I saw the place was a shit hole that I didn't want to waste my time in after a year and left. Went to warehousing where I worked 12 hour days and made ok pay for the time, was at $18 an hour but my paychecks were insane with all the overtime. After 2 years I grew tired of the OT and started looking at trades. When I got off work I would attend my trade school classes to learn general building maintenance and HVAC. I now work for a university making over 65k at 40 hours a week.

I'm only giving half my life story for context as to why I believe that settling at jobs like Starbucks or Amazon never made sense to me.

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