
As important as reversing this decision is, that will only delay the next attack, and if we don’t reverse it, it’s just the first of a long line of dominos to fall signaling the fall of our democracy. We need a fundamental change in this country. Could we organize a general strike? Could this be it?

Could this finally be the thing that brings people together to demand fundamental change in this country, in this government. We could do a general strike the week of July 4th. Tues-Fri as many people as are able to, as much as they can, strike/refuse to work, do not make any purchases, protest, riot, call your representatives, call the media, I don't know. Do what needs to be done to effect change. I wrote out these eight demands earlier which while not perfect I think they would effect a pretty large change in this country   We demand that Roe vs. Wade be reinstated, and that women in all 50 states have protected access to reproductive healthcare mandated by federal law. We assert that healthcare is a human right that should be accessible to all Americans and consequently demand the US implement a single payer healthcare system, which would not…

Could this finally be the thing that brings people together to demand fundamental change in this country, in this government. We could do a general strike the week of July 4th. Tues-Fri as many people as are able to, as much as they can, strike/refuse to work, do not make any purchases, protest, riot, call your representatives, call the media, I don't know. Do what needs to be done to effect change. I wrote out these eight demands earlier which while not perfect I think they would effect a pretty large change in this country


  1. We demand that Roe vs. Wade be reinstated, and that women in all 50 states have protected access to reproductive healthcare mandated by federal law.
  2. We assert that healthcare is a human right that should be accessible to all Americans and consequently demand the US implement a single payer healthcare system, which would not only save billions of dollars per year but save tens of thousands of American lives.
  3. We demand that increasing income inequality and rising inflation be addressed and remedied through actions such as but not limited to increasing the minimum wage to a livable wage, decreasing taxes for the poor and middle class, increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans, and making corporations pay their fair share in taxes.
  4. We demand that the government recognize the immense damage done to this country by the spread of misinformation and immediately act to combat further damage by reinstating the Fairness Doctrine.
  5. We demand that Justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barret, and Clarence Thomas resign immediately.
  6. We demand that any representatives involved in the January 6th insurrection resign immediately.
  7. We demand that former US President Donald Trump be arrested and prosecuted for the numerous crimes he has committed to show the American people that no person is above the law.
  8. Today we recognize that the US Government no longer represents or acts in the best interest of the people and to remedy such we demand the following four items:
    1. The immediate repeal of citizens united
    2. The end of lifetime appointments for supreme court justices
    3. Abolishment of the racist electoral college system and replacement with a popular vote to determine the next president of the United States
    4. The immediate abolishment or reform of the senate. Either the number of senators allowed each state is increased proportional to its population or the senate is disbanded.

I'm also open to many ideas and things. This is just me venting but I also genuinely want to see people organize and I genuinely think these changes would all be great for the country. First and foremost I want to see people fighting back against this. Too many people acting resigned and acting like voting is going to change shit. Secondly, while we're fighting let's try to reverse this current course of action if we can!

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