
As my other post on here, Here is a French Canadian song (FROM 2004) that EXACTLY represent how wrong is the capitalism… it still stands after 22 YEARS

​ Every 8 seconds A child dies in the third world Because there is no access to water And they say that in his warm country It's the sun that dries up the streams When we know that a very small fraction Of all those bullshit military budgets Could water humans Assure them a tomorrow But the West is still washing its hands While every 8 seconds Generate filthy profits Among large multinationals Who believe that the fundamental right Access to water must become commercial Today the source is listed on the stock exchange And we hug each other resource We are told that it is inexhaustible No need for viable management There's a dollar sign at the end of the drinking water While the rivers are flowing Some make money like water Without worrying about ecosystems It's boring to say, but it looks That's the crux of the problem!…

Every 8 seconds A child dies in the third world Because there is no access to water And they say that in his warm country It's the sun that dries up the streams When we know that a very small fraction Of all those bullshit military budgets Could water humans Assure them a tomorrow But the West is still washing its hands While every 8 seconds Generate filthy profits Among large multinationals Who believe that the fundamental right Access to water must become commercial Today the source is listed on the stock exchange And we hug each other resource We are told that it is inexhaustible No need for viable management There's a dollar sign at the end of the drinking water While the rivers are flowing Some make money like water Without worrying about ecosystems It's boring to say, but it looks That's the crux of the problem! Hey! Every 8 seconds A new cancer that is eating away at us Water that becomes merchandise Aqueducts that we privatize And complicit governments that improvise In Montreal, underground They pump the water that belongs to us Pay peanuts for the product And since they have the monopoly Make more profit than the oil companies Every 8 seconds I feel a little more shame Faced with this overexploitation And to this sad destruction From nature for consumption We are presented with accomplished facts They play Earth in Monopoly And when they have appropriated The clouds, the birds, the glaciers Maybe there will be enough While the rivers are flowing Some make money like water Without worrying about ecosystems It's boring to say, but it looks That's the crux of the problem! Hey! When there are only 8 seconds left Before the end of this world We will think again about the human race Who because of the lure of gain Will have brought the planet to the edge of the ravine When there are only 8 seconds left Hey! (Hey!) Every 8 seconds More rising anger When I see my great land of water Being ransacked by bastards Who don't care about life sitting in their office tower In this Quebec of forests and blue gold These riches must become stakes Let's kick the butt of the decision makers And let's become pioneers Citizens, the future begins astheure (hey) (Hey!) Hey! Hey!

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