
As someone in a decent job, how do you help other organizations create unions or work reform in general?

Late 20's guy here. Im currently working a decent job after having had a good opportunity to switch careers. But it wasn't always like that. I've worked many minimum wage jobs before as a way to help get through college and other rough times. I see so much value in people organizing and starting unions in places like Amazon and Starbucks, but as someone not currently in a place like this, I feel like there's not much I can do. What are some good organizations I can donate to, places to volunteer, or just general ways to get involved in this process? At the core of it, I really just don't want to stand on the sidelines anymore.

Late 20's guy here. Im currently working a decent job after having had a good opportunity to switch careers. But it wasn't always like that. I've worked many minimum wage jobs before as a way to help get through college and other rough times. I see so much value in people organizing and starting unions in places like Amazon and Starbucks, but as someone not currently in a place like this, I feel like there's not much I can do.

What are some good organizations I can donate to, places to volunteer, or just general ways to get involved in this process? At the core of it, I really just don't want to stand on the sidelines anymore.

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