
Asked boss for a potential raise, he responded that I’m already being paid enough.

I am working at a popular tourist destination. I like my job because it is usually chill. I usually do the same routine every work day. But I get to meet cool people from around the world. I get paid an equivalent of 1,500 USD per month. It's not a lot I admit but I am able to survive because the cost of living is low here. Or at least was. Now that prices for a lot of things are increasing, things have been a bit rough. Not so much that I'm living paycheck to paycheck but might get there if the inflation continues. My contract forbids us to work a second or third job so this job is my only income. My annual evaluation is coming up in August, so I casually asked my manager whether a raise could be a potential talk point. He scoffed and said that…

I am working at a popular tourist destination. I like my job because it is usually chill. I usually do the same routine every work day. But I get to meet cool people from around the world.

I get paid an equivalent of 1,500 USD per month. It's not a lot I admit but I am able to survive because the cost of living is low here. Or at least was.

Now that prices for a lot of things are increasing, things have been a bit rough. Not so much that I'm living paycheck to paycheck but might get there if the inflation continues. My contract forbids us to work a second or third job so this job is my only income.

My annual evaluation is coming up in August, so I casually asked my manager whether a raise could be a potential talk point. He scoffed and said that “I'm already being paid enough” since he still has to pay me a full month's pay during slow season. He added that in these kind of jobs, you don't expect any pay raises because it's not exactly a career type of job (implying that it's akin to working a cashier work in McDonald's).

I mean…. Sure, when it's slow it's slow, but I'm still expected to do the same type of work. So I'm not sure what he was trying to say. I admit I was disappointed in his answer.

Again, I quite like my job. Just want a more comfortable pay. What is a better way to negotiate? Or should I forget about getting a raise and just find a new job?

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