
Asked for a meeting for potential growth in company, got fired instead

Let me start off by saying I was working in the vehicle industry, I was a service assistant/advisor. When I first started with the company exactly a year ago yesterday, I had the opportunity to take the job I applied for which was full commission off of services I sold, or where I never had a true commission job before, they offered me a salary with bonus working as an adviser assistant in another building. I took that, being a young dad I wanted to have stable money coming through the door week to week. Mind you my 1 year is September 7th. I just recently had my 2nd child which was born August 11th. At our 1 year we get 2 weeks of PTO. I had asked if it was possible at all to get my PTO bucket so I wouldn’t go unpaid & could pay my bills. I…

Let me start off by saying I was working in the vehicle industry, I was a service assistant/advisor. When I first started with the company exactly a year ago yesterday, I had the opportunity to take the job I applied for which was full commission off of services I sold, or where I never had a true commission job before, they offered me a salary with bonus working as an adviser assistant in another building. I took that, being a young dad I wanted to have stable money coming through the door week to week.

Mind you my 1 year is September 7th. I just recently had my 2nd child which was born August 11th. At our 1 year we get 2 weeks of PTO. I had asked if it was possible at all to get my PTO bucket so I wouldn’t go unpaid & could pay my bills. I knew that they did this because my co-worker told me they did it for him during covid, but they hadn’t for me which I kept my mouth shut. They told me no. I was pissed. I asked for a reason & HR said it’s up to the owners & they said no.

So we fast forward my 1 year & I’ve made this company close to a million dollars just myself. We use a program called Reynolds’s & Reynolds’s which I can see pretty much every advisers performance. I wasn’t at the top but very much so not at the bottom. So I wanted to reach out & see how I could get to the next step and become commission so I can be financially more stable. In the meeting he used my absenteeism against me, even though I was out due to covid & for the birth of my baby. When I said how are you using those against me , he got all huffy puffy & said it’s best if we just part ways. He let me go, he didn’t want to deal with confrontation. I caught him in a lie & he didn’t like it.

So now I’m unemployed with a baby & a 4 year old & no way to provide for now.

Anyway, these companies don’t care for you. You’re just a pawn to make them their money. This is why quiet quitting is becoming bigger.

Thanks for listening. Have a wonderful day!

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