
Asked for a Raise at work it got Declined

So I've been working at my current company for a year. On the company manual it says “cannot discuss salaries with your coworkers.” Anyways so I started asking around and asking people if they have gotten a raise and if so how did they go about it. Some of them told me that they have never asked for a raise. They have been working there for more than 2 years +.. Mind you our CEO died 2 months ago..So I asked for a raise last tuesday…And they came back to me yesterday 10 days later to decline my raise… They said that I was doing my current role very well they said I was doing a great job but they want me to take on more responsibilities… I work in a certain industry sector and they are trying to push me to do work that isn't the same line of…

So I've been working at my current company for a year. On the company manual it says “cannot discuss salaries with your coworkers.” Anyways so I started asking around and asking people if they have gotten a raise and if so how did they go about it.

Some of them told me that they have never asked for a raise. They have been working there for more than 2 years +.. Mind you our CEO died 2 months ago..So I asked for a raise last tuesday…And they came back to me yesterday 10 days later to decline my raise…

They said that I was doing my current role very well they said I was doing a great job but they want me to take on more responsibilities… I work in a certain industry sector and they are trying to push me to do work that isn't the same line of work..and ask if I was interested in doing that…They also let me know that currently the budget is on hold so no raises…

My job is very easy I can do it in my sleep tbh probably work 2 hours a day out of the 8 hours? So taking on more work would be pretty easy unless I really get hammered…

But the budget being on hold and the fact that I have to ask for a raise every year is a big turn off cuz my company doesnt do any raises what so ever….What will happen when I ask for a raise next year? Will they ask me to take on even more work will they not give it to me… I assume right now since the budget is on hold they do not want to give out raises plus they want me to do more work…

Dangle a carrot in front of the employee and seem him jump?

Use to be more of a red libertarian aka conservative libertarian but now I am with wisdom becoming a blue libertarian its just over and over you get cucked by capitalism and the greed of the rich is so apparent…

Imagine if I had to ask why my rent was going up and ask what more does my landlord bring to the table? Nope he can just say inflation but I cannot use that as a talking point for my job…

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