
Asked for a raise, quit instead.

I had a feeling that I was grossly underpaid. I asked my manager about a raise, so she sent me the salary guide they've been using when making offers to new hires. That very guide, plus some other research I did, showed that I was indeed underpaid by about $35k per year. So I asked for a $35k raise to bring me up to market value. They gave me $8k. I had already been interviewing with another firm, and they offered exactly what I had initially asked for. They were shocked when I put my notice in. Like, really? Y'all give me a document outlining salary ranges, and I use that very same document to make my ask, then come back with a slap in the face offer? And you're surprised I'm leaving? Get bent.

I had a feeling that I was grossly underpaid. I asked my manager about a raise, so she sent me the salary guide they've been using when making offers to new hires.

That very guide, plus some other research I did, showed that I was indeed underpaid by about $35k per year. So I asked for a $35k raise to bring me up to market value.

They gave me $8k.

I had already been interviewing with another firm, and they offered exactly what I had initially asked for.

They were shocked when I put my notice in.

Like, really? Y'all give me a document outlining salary ranges, and I use that very same document to make my ask, then come back with a slap in the face offer? And you're surprised I'm leaving? Get bent.

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