
Asked to Work Sick

I'm so tired, I've told my boss that I was sick, that I'm losing my voice and just before my shift I threw up, and he still wants me to come in. I work in a food based customer service role, where you would think that 1. Losing my voice would merit at least a bit of concern and 2. Being this sick would be a health hazard to both my coworkers and our customers who my boss claims he “values” so much. Yeah, sure. So I'm supposed to come in and humiliate myself because no customers who see me sick are going to pin it on the boss, they're going to blame it on me. I seriously fucking hate the work culture we've created. FML

I'm so tired, I've told my boss that I was sick, that I'm losing my voice and just before my shift I threw up, and he still wants me to come in. I work in a food based customer service role, where you would think that 1. Losing my voice would merit at least a bit of concern and 2. Being this sick would be a health hazard to both my coworkers and our customers who my boss claims he “values” so much. Yeah, sure. So I'm supposed to come in and humiliate myself because no customers who see me sick are going to pin it on the boss, they're going to blame it on me. I seriously fucking hate the work culture we've created. FML

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