
Assault, sexual harrasment and a hostile work enviorment.

Background: This is a toxic management meets lazy union enviorment. All names will be changed for this post. Assault My coworker Damien was in a car accident. His doctor gave our employer a doctors note demanding light duty. They denied it. The repitious nature of his position caused strain he filled out the worker comp forms and won. They then began him on light duty and physical therapy. About a couple of months into it they terminated his ass this was a few years ago. He wins his job back after being out between 12-18 months. He won backpay. He's back for roughly half a year before this interaction occurs. Damien is collecting the supplies he needs to perform his route for the day. Supervisor Sam decides he's going to put his hand on the back of his neck. Damien backed off and told him to not fucking touch him.…

Background: This is a toxic management meets lazy union enviorment.

All names will be changed for this post.


My coworker Damien was in a car accident. His doctor gave our employer a doctors note demanding light duty. They denied it. The repitious nature of his position caused strain he filled out the worker comp forms and won. They then began him on light duty and physical therapy. About a couple of months into it they terminated his ass this was a few years ago.

He wins his job back after being out between 12-18 months. He won backpay. He's back for roughly half a year before this interaction occurs. Damien is collecting the supplies he needs to perform his route for the day. Supervisor Sam decides he's going to put his hand on the back of his neck. Damien backed off and told him to not fucking touch him. Supervisor Sam didn't like that and started screaming at him, Damien was trying to distance himself then Supervisor Sam tried to drag him by his wrist across the work floor. Another supervisor breaks them up, Damien goes back to work.

Supervisor Sam calls the fucking postal police to have Damien escorted out because he was a “danger” to others. Damien gets put on Emergency Placement and it's been months he has been out yet again. Supervisor Sam got promoted to another installation after this. While he now has pending criminal charges for assault.

Sexual Harrasment

We have a male Supervisor Wizard. Wizard is a ~50 year old male. He finds it perfectly acceptable to make comments on any of the female workers breasts or buns to them. Feels it's appropriate to offer his number out to these women so they can talk at night to eachother. Asking them out on dates and shit.

That behavior is actually his better behavior. Wizzard feels that since he is a supervisor it's okay for him to freely enter female locker rooms and bathrooms. He has followed and grabbed women in each of these places. It was at a point female workers just knew to stay in groups and not use stair wells.

The females filed countless grievances, EEO's etc. After many, many cases. They decided to move Wizzard to another facility and face no consquences.

This place is disgusting and everything is tolerated. If you want more let me know in the comments. There is a lot of awful shit here.

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