
At last a personal experience…

Ok, I'm Brazilian and I have my own testimony to share, since I'm realizing it's good for everyone to listen people's stories. So, since 2016 we are experiencing a total takedown of workers rights, it's not as bad as the US as far as I can tell, but used to be better. That's the context. So, in 2018 I got two jobs, a part time in a brewery, factory job, and after that I got to a pub of sorts which had 48 beer taps I was responsible for. After some months I quit the pub and began full time in the brewery because I was getting shit growing in my body like allergic reaction which I discovered was solely from stress, after weeks thinking of what I could have eaten before. It disappeared the moment I quit the night jog at the pub. So I began full time as…

Ok, I'm Brazilian and I have my own testimony to share, since I'm realizing it's good for everyone to listen people's stories. So, since 2016 we are experiencing a total takedown of workers rights, it's not as bad as the US as far as I can tell, but used to be better. That's the context.

So, in 2018 I got two jobs, a part time in a brewery, factory job, and after that I got to a pub of sorts which had 48 beer taps I was responsible for. After some months I quit the pub and began full time in the brewery because I was getting shit growing in my body like allergic reaction which I discovered was solely from stress, after weeks thinking of what I could have eaten before. It disappeared the moment I quit the night jog at the pub.

So I began full time as a contractor in the factory and it went good in the beginning, but after a year or so, when the spoiled brat my boss was (I'm older than him like 10 years, he built his brewery and everything else on the money he inherited from his grandfather) began talking about hire me as a full employee, which was a good thing you might think.

But here's the catch, to minimize his costs, he wanted to subtract from my pay things like paid vacation, 13th salary, because in his skewed vision, I was going to earn more early than monthly. Sure, of course I could tell my landlord exactly the same right? Hahahaha

To worsen things just a tad bit, I commuted with him to the factory everyday, listening to his BS everyday. When I was on the brink of make him eat his car's wheel and end up in jail, I decided to sabotage as much as I could and drink as much beer as possible and left him on the spot in a Monday morning. I went there on my motorcycle because I was already sure of what I should do.

It was 20 something of November, a month to Brazilian summer, the most labor intensive time in the breweries.

I already knew my assistant/friend would go out like in a week. So I just quit on the worse time possible along with my friend, who had already told em like 3 months before.

The satisfaction my friends! The look in his and his brother's eyes as I tell then I quit, cold turkey, and they had to end an at least hour long meeting without even beginning was a sight to see.

Then came the COVID and now me and my wife own a food trailer and, in spite of all the problems with money, this shit Bolsonaro government and everything thing, I'm so happy I don't belong to a stupid brat anymore.

They need us. We don't need them.
I hope this experience helps somebody. Love and freedom for us all.

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