
At the skate park today got a younger guy talking about how nobody wants to work anymore.

I was doing my daily exercise at the local skate park, and it was completely empty except for me. Set my backpack down in a stupid spot. 30 minutes later dude rolls up, cruises past my backpack, and I ask him if he'd like me to move it. He says “nah, it's all good” but we strike up a conversation. I'm an early 30's wood worker, he's an early 20's mechanic. I mentioned how it's hard to find new employees at my job (woodworking jobs in my area hire almost exclusively out of trade schools and don't pay well), and he mentions that nobody wants to work anymore. The way he said it, he kind of trailed off at the end like he was just repeating words he was told by others, but didn't believe it himself. Probably being brainwashed by other schmucks at his job. At one point during…

I was doing my daily exercise at the local skate park, and it was completely empty except for me. Set my backpack down in a stupid spot. 30 minutes later dude rolls up, cruises past my backpack, and I ask him if he'd like me to move it. He says “nah, it's all good” but we strike up a conversation. I'm an early 30's wood worker, he's an early 20's mechanic.

I mentioned how it's hard to find new employees at my job (woodworking jobs in my area hire almost exclusively out of trade schools and don't pay well), and he mentions that nobody wants to work anymore. The way he said it, he kind of trailed off at the end like he was just repeating words he was told by others, but didn't believe it himself. Probably being brainwashed by other schmucks at his job.

At one point during the conversation he said, “Fuck Joe Biden!” Which I completely agree with, but unless you say “Fuck Trump too” we ain't on the same page.

I don't think I'm being very concise with my story or the point of it, but I feel like the crazy assed right wingers are winning the battle right now culturally. I'm surrounded by crazy assed right wing fucks in my life currently.

I can't help but think of them as nearly sub-human. Non thinking regurgitators of corporate propaganda. It's sad, but I know I must remember every person you meet in this life can be educated. If you take the time to talk to someone you don't necessarily agree with you may change their mind.

So exercise that patience and try not to get angry. ️

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