
At-Will Employment

Maybe not the right place for this, but I figure if anyone knows the numerous ways an employer will try to fuck over new hires, its yall. Currently applying for a job in Oregon while living in Texas. On the offer letter, they say the job will be at-will employment. Written with this is the stipulation that my pay, benefits, job duties, etc. can be modified at anytime. This seems almost like a rug-pull but the company has given me no red flags thus far in the hiring process. Is this at-will note just them covering their bases or am I about to get royally screwed? I'm concerned now just because I would literally be fucked if I moved up there only to find the job nothing like the indeed description and/or they fire me with no notice. Any advice? I'm a recent grad so all the job nonsense is…

Maybe not the right place for this, but I figure if anyone knows the numerous ways an employer will try to fuck over new hires, its yall.

Currently applying for a job in Oregon while living in Texas. On the offer letter, they say the job will be at-will employment. Written with this is the stipulation that my pay, benefits, job duties, etc. can be modified at anytime. This seems almost like a rug-pull but the company has given me no red flags thus far in the hiring process. Is this at-will note just them covering their bases or am I about to get royally screwed? I'm concerned now just because I would literally be fucked if I moved up there only to find the job nothing like the indeed description and/or they fire me with no notice. Any advice? I'm a recent grad so all the job nonsense is truly foreign to me.

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