
“At-Will Employment” MUST be eradicated.

It has gone too far. There is no job security, therefore a looming “impending doom” is always on the mind. It can be used as a way to get rid of people for anything – and is often used as retaliatory method for whistleblowers, employees following exact guidelines following correct procedures that may expose unethical wrongdoings by upper level management – (like, an accountant working for the Department of Defense doing error analysis- and finding misappropriation of funds, done on purpose. It has been used to get rid of people who had been overheard in conversation with other employees regarding their religious or sexual preferences- (EOE) I’ve seen it been used for overweight individuals as well as senior citizens who stepped out of retirement to gain a little extra cash. Equal Opportunity Employment put employers in an awful spot. Their solution ? At-Will Employment; the Company and the employee reserve…

It has gone too far. There is no job security, therefore a looming “impending doom” is always on the mind.
It can be used as a way to get rid of people for anything – and is often used as retaliatory method for whistleblowers, employees following exact guidelines following correct procedures that may expose unethical wrongdoings by upper level management – (like, an accountant working for the Department of Defense doing error analysis- and finding misappropriation of funds, done on purpose.
It has been used to get rid of people who had been overheard in conversation with other employees regarding their religious or sexual preferences- (EOE)
I’ve seen it been used for overweight individuals as well as senior citizens who stepped out of retirement to gain a little extra cash.

Equal Opportunity Employment put employers in an awful spot. Their solution ? At-Will Employment; the Company and the employee reserve the right to terminate employment at any time and for any reason without notice given.

I’m sick of this system-hope the aliens or asteroids get here soon, I don’t have the balls to shoot myself anymore.

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