
At will state curious about what I can do

I’ll try not to make this too long but I am curious if I’m overthinking this or if it’s possible I was terminated due to mental illness. I work in an at will state so I know it’s challenging to fight wrongful termination. But basically the story is my company hired a “team coach” to come in and train us on sales. I was definitely excited as they didn’t offer any training at the start and I wanted to learn more about the products so I could better sell to cold calling prospects. Essentially though this coach was completely doing therapy sessions. At our second session at the start I said I suffer from mental illness and I’m already receiving treatment and I would prefer if we stuck to the technical training on how to sell software in a market that’s pretty competitive. She said “I hear you” and then…

I’ll try not to make this too long but I am curious if I’m overthinking this or if it’s possible I was terminated due to mental illness. I work in an at will state so I know it’s challenging to fight wrongful termination. But basically the story is my company hired a “team coach” to come in and train us on sales. I was definitely excited as they didn’t offer any training at the start and I wanted to learn more about the products so I could better sell to cold calling prospects. Essentially though this coach was completely doing therapy sessions. At our second session at the start I said I suffer from mental illness and I’m already receiving treatment and I would prefer if we stuck to the technical training on how to sell software in a market that’s pretty competitive. She said “I hear you” and then told me “I had bipolar once I was on lithium and Valium and adderall and I cured my bipolar by changing the way I thought”

The session became more intrusive and violating and I know now I should have just walked out but she triggered me and I was an emotional wreck for two days.

The next morning I spoke to my boss one on one verbally. I explained that I don’t have to disclose anything more than I have a mental illness and I cannot work with this coach if she’s going to do these therapy sessions. I already receive therapy and I’d like to learn more on the products themselves and how to handle objections and flip them etc. it was in what I thought a good conversation he agreed and said that he would speak to the coach and have her work differently with me.

I was told to schedule 12 session, one a week.

But I got called today that I was being terminated because changes were being made to the BDM team. HR nor my boss will send me in writing my reason for termination. I am going to file for unemployment.

Is it likely this is wrongful termination? Did I overstep and lose my job by not just abiding and attending these sessions? Honestly I’m just confused as I’ve never been spoken to about my work by anyone or written up and I have one on ones with my boss every other week so I would know if there was a problem. Can I get them to send me something in writing? Does that matter for unemployment?

Any advice or questions is appreciated.

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