
Attendance Policy and Doctors Note A True Story That Happened to My Fiancé

I normally do not read this reddit that much as I love to work, but I also run my own business and I have to answer to me so it is not that bad. Anyway my fiancé who is an excellent worker and what he does works for a company that overall is great. Very good benefits, generous leave policy, vacation etc. When he got hired they had a great sick policy, first three days return to work no note, but due to COVID if you were out more than two weeks just provide documentation no harm no foul. Well of course some people started to spoil the entire bunch for people, they started abusing it. So recently they came up with the MOST restrictive policy I have ever seen. If you call out lets say you have a cold or just upset stomach you get one point for unexcused…

I normally do not read this reddit that much as I love to work, but I also run my own business and I have to answer to me so it is not that bad. Anyway my fiancé who is an excellent worker and what he does works for a company that overall is great. Very good benefits, generous leave policy, vacation etc. When he got hired they had a great sick policy, first three days return to work no note, but due to COVID if you were out more than two weeks just provide documentation no harm no foul. Well of course some people started to spoil the entire bunch for people, they started abusing it. So recently they came up with the MOST restrictive policy I have ever seen. If you call out lets say you have a cold or just upset stomach you get one point for unexcused absence. More than four you are automatically fired, there are exceptions for illness, death, etc… I told my fiancé this is a LAWSUIT waiting to happen, he goes I know. I showed it to my friend who is a labor attorney and lawyer in general and she said a lawyer is gonna have a field day with this.

So Sunday June 4, 2022 my fiancé begins to get a tickle in his throat, thinking its allergies but it was a cold. So he awakes Monday June 5, 2022 with the worse chest congestion, fever. He coughed so much he vomited. I actually decided to work from home for the day and my clients were fine with video and remote work, because A didnt want to not be home. Usually, when he is sick he does stuff and can like take care of himself and our two dogs. I was glad I was home, he was so weak he could not even walk the dogs. I was home and ended up cancelling out my day. Well I did two covid tests on him and they were negative, we are fully vaxx in my house hold ( WE ARE ARDENT DEMOCRATS) anyway, he has switched medical groups and now is seeing the same doctor as me cause their fast and can get you in. The following day he walked right into the office and said I am so sick, so they saw him right then and there and said you cannot work. Gave him an excuse note, which given these circumstances was fine. He was seen by the NP who is also one of my general providers, once my fiance explained this attendance policy the MD goes that is LAWSUIT waiting to happen.

So my fiance contacted HR, all was good no worries as they were treating it as possible COVID. Covid was negative turned out bronchitis, anyway he was out of work a full week to recuperate, which under most normal circumstances a job will appreciate this.

He was more worried about losing is job then getting well. So anyway for the heck of it and anxiety he started looking for other jobs, he is in a skilled trade and has over 18 years of experience and has not job hopped at all. So he sees this job to be an instructor full time at one of the local trade schools, about 20 min from our home, it would be a state job because all of the teenagers who go to trades from the local public schools.

So he sent his application yesterday cause it was a great opportunity, and within an hour he gets a call. He has an interview tomorrow 8am. So he goes into work yesterday with the notes from our MD.

So all is fine, HR had told him dont worry everything is fine you will not be fired. As this was an exception which made sense. I totally get it not wanting people to abuse attendance policy. Well guess what after break he gets written up because he was sick.

He literally looked at his boss and goes this is insane, what is this.. but when HR comes back it will be adjusted in the attendance system. The woman is on vacation. Hopefully he will give his two weeks tomorrow.

I am just disgusted

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