
Attendance Rant

So an experience I've had I guess bothers me now more than in the past is how employers have a grace period where your attendance must be perfect or else they fire you, or the idea you only get so much time off paid or unpaid. Like if your off days arent PTO, why do they care? And everyone can go thru times where they end up with a situation or health condition that gets worse. Like me, I had flu symptoms for a good week and up til yesterday I developed a stomach virus along with my baby who had to be taken to urgent care. So I've missed 3 days of work so far and because of policy, I may get a talk to or fired. My last job I had to be talked to because I took unplanned PTO 2-3 times in 2 months because something related…

So an experience I've had I guess bothers me now more than in the past is how employers have a grace period where your attendance must be perfect or else they fire you, or the idea you only get so much time off paid or unpaid. Like if your off days arent PTO, why do they care? And everyone can go thru times where they end up with a situation or health condition that gets worse. Like me, I had flu symptoms for a good week and up til yesterday I developed a stomach virus along with my baby who had to be taken to urgent care. So I've missed 3 days of work so far and because of policy, I may get a talk to or fired. My last job I had to be talked to because I took unplanned PTO 2-3 times in 2 months because something related to my baby ( would have just made up the hours if I knew when I'd be back).  I'm usually the person who has attendance problems, usually I'm the one who plans my life around work to the point it probably is physically killing me. And I so want to chew out anyone who talks about ” people dont want to work” when those AH grew up during a time part time hours could help a household and they got better wages to match with inflation. Just fucking ugh.

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