
[Aus] RANT: want to start my new job…

I wanted to specify that I work in Australia as the pay here would be considered different in other parts of the world. Okay so, I’ve been working as a trainee in a preschool ( for $18-$19/h) and have loved it, it is definitely a very physically and mentally demanding job but I enjoy it overall. I have finished my studies and now am qualified, and should have started my new job at my current centre which will be 3 days instead of the 5, 8 hour days I have been doing. I was told my employer that I have the job and to finish my studies as soon as possible, so I did just that, I finished almost a month earlier with hopes I’ll be able to start the new job…. Fast forward to now and here I am, still working the same days and hours and I’m truly…

I wanted to specify that I work in Australia as the pay here would be considered different in other parts of the world.

Okay so, I’ve been working as a trainee in a preschool ( for $18-$19/h) and have loved it, it is definitely a very physically and mentally demanding job but I enjoy it overall.
I have finished my studies and now am qualified, and should have started my new job at my current centre which will be 3 days instead of the 5, 8 hour days I have been doing.
I was told my employer that I have the job and to finish my studies as soon as possible, so I did just that, I finished almost a month earlier with hopes I’ll be able to start the new job….
Fast forward to now and here I am, still working the same days and hours and I’m truly exhausted and over it, the temptation to just call in sick every morning is so high but because I no longer have any sick leave, I won’t be paid, even with doctors certificates (working in my industry, you get sick quite a lot and myself and the other educators have been) and I can’t just ask for the day (using AL or RDO) because it needs to be organised prior.
Anyway, I am entitled to my new pay of $26 which is nice but I didn’t start receiving it until the management “finalised my certificate” which took weeks to do, so I was still working for $19/h up until this Monday (22nd August), when I finally got confirmation that my pay will go up for the next pay slip.

This is all fine and good, and I was hoping that would push me more, and give me some motivation to just suck it up and continue to work til I can start the new job but nope, don’t even want to go in.
Now the sucky thing is, I will continue to do the EXACT same thing I’ve been doing the past year but with more money, so I’ve been thinking about how messed up it is, that just because I wasn’t “qualified” I got less money, EVEN THO, I did finish my studies, received confirmation from my trainer that everything was completed and was just waiting on management, I was still receiving my trainee wage.

They posted my trainee job online a month or two ago and received no applicants and that’s when they asked if I could stay on until they find someone, in that moment I saw no issue, because I thought it’d only take a few weeks to find someone and technically my end date wasn’t until the 22nd of august anyway and I was hopeful that they would find someone by then and I could start the new job.

Well, since the day I was asked to fill in until they find the replacement, there has been no news about the replacement and they haven’t posted a job for it anywhere online.
So I’m sitting here wondering why? Why haven’t they posted the job yet? It’s been months, and I’ve got nothing other than to keep working and doing the same job.

I’m just really over it, my new job is only contracted til the end of the year so it’s a few months from now, and I can’t even see myself starting it until end of September and that’s still a MAYBE.
I just don’t know what to do, I know I could ask to start my new job but I know it’ll look bad to my boss and upper management, and I was also told there might be a similar job next year that I could apply for if I prove myself in the new job, so I feel like if I do demand to start my new job, it’ll just end up screwing me over if I try and go for the job next year.

I’m exhausted. I’m over it. I want answers.
Rant over.

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