Alright, strap in for my riveting tale of bullshit from earlier this week. On Monday I was working till' 5pm. The Gm's fiancé was supposed to come in at 4pm, he didn't show up until 6pm which she told me at around 3:45-4 ish. It got extremely busy by 6pm and I ended up staying almost 4 hours past when I was supposed to. The next morning I woke up and threw up, in that order. So I got back in bed and texted the working manager that I wouldn't be able to come in because I had thrown up and was pretty sick. He probably asked the GM what to do, and she texted me this. I ended up going into work. Keep in mind I get paid $8.25/hr, $4.25/hr while delivering and the raise mentioned was + $2/hr Edit: I forgot to actually attach the pictures, woops here…
Author: Olivia
Just a Question
How many people don't want to commute again because you have anxiety driving?
“We want reliability”
I used 2 days PTO as sick leave this week for the first time at my new job. My boss/the owner called me into her office for a one-on-one meeting and told me I’m not reliable enough. 2. Sick. Days.
A job offer turns into 3 months wait
Recently, I interviewed at a company, process was great, HR was responsive, transparent, open. Soon, I was offered the role and was told “we are extending you an offer and here is the pay, benefits, etc. etc., formal written offer is coming next week and we can negotiate the final offer then.” A week passed, no offer, reached out and HR responded, we're still working on staffing, likely everything will be ready by next week. Another week passed, guess what? Nothing, follow-up is met with “the team is still working on staffing and need some more time, I am on vacation next week so let's reconnect after, I'm confident it will be done by then.” (this is where I resigned from my previous role) Two weeks later, nothing from HR, followed up and I get a call saying “we aren't ready to extend the formal offer yet, and by looks…
Need advice on work situation.
So I work for a large manufacturing plant in my town. I have diabetes and have been struggling to find the right combination of medicine to get me stable. I started this job 7 months ago, it's decent paying and my co-workers are pretty cool. However the company has a point based penalty system. So as said I was having issues with medications, there would be times I'd wake up very sick. Company policy is if you're sick stay home. This is all well and dandy until you run out of assigned sick time. Then every day you are out is 1 point. 5 point max. Once 5 is reached it is instant termination. There was another post I was reading that had this point system too, curious if it's the same company or not. Either way I used up all my sick time and then some. To the point…
Annoyed with my boss
So I’m in sales it’s already not exactly the ideal job for a anxious person but I am high functioning and consider myself a extrovert. I like talking to others and helping them. But my boss is on my last nerve. He’s always trying to butt in my sales. Today I was trying to talk to a customer about how she would save if she bundled two contracts with us. A lot of times it’s overwhelming and I try to proceed softly. They see both prices but see a higher number on one contract and don’t realize the other is so much less it’s still cheaper. Instead of letting me do my job my boss is talking over me while I’m on the phone with her and he is freaking out when he hears me selling one contract. I wasn’t going to let her get just one without explaining but…
Basically the title. I fucking hate corporate america. I took one FMLA day and when I got back I faced backlash. One fucking day. Because the better work has been taken away, I am cut off from the requirements to be promoted. Being vague to not get doxxed. Does anyone else have a similar experience?
A small interesting aha moment I had …
Not a crazy story or anything so sorry to disappoint lol but I wanted to share with you guys. My current boss isn’t thaaaat bad but I’ve had some weird head-scratching moments in the few months we’ve worked together. Basically he’s been having me go in once a week to work for the past month. I initially was ok with it because I did get to see some old coworkers I hadn’t seen in a while but that was the only real benefit. It’s a huge 3 story office building and every time I go , there are literally only about 6-7 cars in the parking lot, 2 of which belong to the front desk workers. So what I mean by this is nobody goes in anymore unless there’s a huge conference going on. All of our jobs are literally 100% computer-based, we use Teams very heavily the whole shebang.…
I know you guys will keep it real and and not sugarcoat things. I'm going through an interview process with a start up but am an unsure if I'd feel comfortable working there. I work hard but through the grapevine I really only hear bad things about being overworked, anyone confirm or deny?