
My husband’s boss said he’s not showing enough initiative because he had the “audacity” to come in late one day so he could take me and our newborn to our midwife apt

Mind you this is after he gave her notice, he made up the hours, puts unlimited effort and passion into his work, AND he’s 1099 so he’s not supposed to even have his schedule dictated. I’m just appalled.


How do I explain to my employer I need to take care of my grandfather?


Don’t be rude to Customer Service

I have to deal with a guy every single day that is just an absolute fucking asshole. Let’s call him Twat. Twat wants changes to our website that would require massive effort from our engineering teams that just isn’t possible at the moment. Sure, they are legit changes that would make our service better for our customers, but projects are prioritized based on impact to the overall business. These changes that Twat wants impact a very small amount of customers. Well, Twat doesn’t accept this and emails or calls every day threatening legal action against the company for not meeting his demands. He has no case, but since his uncle is a lawyer he uses big words and long sentences to try and intimidate us into thinking he can. Instead of just not being our customer anymore and moving on, he decides to stay and harass my team each day.…


This subreddit has ruined The Office (US) for me, thanks…

Essentially what it says up there. The office used to be funny to me because of how absurd some of the scenarios are, in your mind you're like “oh that could never happen”. A few months on this subreddit has proven me ignorant. I mean half the crap in the first season, again hilarious when you think it's just absurdism, but just depressing when you realize that it happens. Thanks guys… You took my coping mechanism away.


So gotta get this off my chest considering current circumstances

So I live in Kansas and yeah if anyone around here can say weather can get a bit crazy at times. Point being that we received almost a foot of snow and getting home from work was definitely a difficulty even in my truck. Well what I'm getting at is I really really wish that workplaces gave an additional time off due to weather not just sick or vacation time because putting our lives at risk just for a few bucks is really not the most tempting offer when you live further away. Anyways love the hell out of this sub and hope nothing but the best for everyone here.


Want to Quit

I work at a school as a teacher assistant where I am creating a digital anthology of student writings, a school newspaper, as well as keeping track of everything assigned and submitted through the Google Classroom, so obviously I am on my work laptop a fair amount of my work day. I had a discussion with my supervisor/principal this afternoon where she informed me that there have been complaints that I am on my computer far too much throughout the day and she would like me to hand in my laptop to her at the end of each day so she can check my internet history to make sure I’m doing what I’m suppose to. I have absolutely nothing to hide, but the whole conversation felt so demeaning and I just want to quit right now simply on principle over the lack of trust and the invasion of privacy. Any…


Any english majors here? I’m about to get a write up, and instead of signing it I want to correct my managers grammar.

What are some things I can nitpick, besides the obvious spelling mistakes? Context: Called off sick during my 1 year probation period (a big no no apparently), so their policy is to do a write up. I'm about to job hop anyway so I want to use some of that power to fuck with them right back, and this sounds like a fun idea.


Sure, let’s offer near minimum wage to someone with 30 years experience

Maybe not the best subreddit for this, but here goes. 30 years of work experience in a highly technical field. A recruiter sends me this job to apply for. I don't even know how to respond. Nothing wrong with working for $16 an hour, I'm not knocking entry level wages, I've worked for less, but one look at my resume and you can tell I make way more than that at my current position. Obviously this recruiter did zero research and is blind sending hoping for a miracle. SMH ​ ​


Anti-work, anti-consumption, and minimalism

I'm in these three subreddits because I identify with the ideas of them, and I feel they are all apart of the work that needs to be done to change the way our society functions. There's no reason we need to be working as many hours as we do to survive and it's kept this way intentionally to inspire us to be better consumers. The less time we have for ourselves the more things we buy for their “convenience” factor. I think about how much of a demand being a consumer society creates on resources. If we didn't buy so much then industries would not produce so much, and use so much. If we made longer lasting clothes, technology, and buildings then we wouldn't need to exchange them so frequently, we could repair things when they break instead of throw them away and replace them. The media plays possibly the…


My work had record 10% increase in profits last year. So the CEO herself decided to come in and give every employee . . . . a cookie.

Fortune 500 company with record profits and we get … a cookie. I'm so mad right now.