
Posted by a family member on Facebook. Oh how detached they are


We have the power


I just got fired for using a client’s bathroom….

You guys. I'm so fucking tired of this shit. I recently started a job as an insurance agent who goes to people's homes to get them signed up for insurance. I'm in the car for about 8-10 hours a day. Make 8-10 appointments per day. I ended up staying at this woman's house for 3 hours today getting her, her two kids, and her sister signed up. At one point she offered me coffee (which our company says we “have to” accept otherwise it would be rude) and I drank two. Had to use the restroom. She then offered for me to use her restroom and showed it to me. I peed for like 30 seconds. Washed my hands. Finished up and then left. I randomly mentioned to a coworker of mine when I got back to the office how I've drank more coffee in the past week than I…


Rules at workplace


For the trolls who literally DONT GET IT. why are you here?

why are there so many trolls going against the very foundation of what this sub represents? ​ Please tell the class, trolls; what you think you have learned today. Allow the moderators to know exactly who you are and how you are leading actual debate and convo away from the main discussions….kthanks


Starbucks workers, how do you do it? Today I watched a man complain about there being salt on the floor. In the middle of winter. In Wisconsin.

At least as a customer I was able to tell him to shut up. Do you guys just have to listen until they stop talking?? Jesus Christ


I hope landlords accept potatoes for rent…


What job do you have? Do you have an actual career or just a job? Interested to see if the feeling is widespread or it’s just among low income jobs. Not trying to offend anyone, just trying to see who we are :)


They are fighting like hell to keep you poor. Remember this Wisconsin.


Corona “bonus” in Sweden. So I got into work this morning and saw this comment that translate to “bonus 2kr/h which is 0.22 dollars, paid in mars. ” What a fucking joke, what does management get?? We have risked our lives during the pandemic for 0.22 dollars.”