
Question: Essential Knowledge for US Employees/Workers?

Can y'all recommend courses and books where I can learn “how to be employed when I can't trust any employers not to f*ck me over”? I know it's cliche to say “we should have learned this in high school” but I still need to learn about employee rights, common methods of exploitation, benefits to negotiate beyond base pay, how to calculate minimum base pay based on skillset, etc. My first part time job in food service I definitely didn't get required breaks, had to clock out before we started the 1-2 hours cleaning process (how did I tolerate that smh), and my paychecks never seemed to add up to how much I thought I'd worked that week. I have made so many lists from this sub: interviewing red flags, didn't realize that was illegal, negotiate this benefit, email responses, how not to bend over backwards. Very grateful for the information!…


Job applications

Is there a reddit sub dedicated to posting ridiculously stupid cover letters/resumes? I need that in my life right now.


America is a failed state. I want out.

My mom just passed away and I didn’t even know she was dying. She had cancer and didn’t have health insurance and couldn’t afford medical treatment. She worked all her life, 60 hour work weeks, and lived on the bare minimum. I fucking hate this country. I only make $7.20/hour and spend more than half my money on rent alone and gave $0 left after food, transport, and shelter. If I get sick, I’ll just die alone like my mother. This is a failed state. How can I move? Can I apply for a refugee status in Europe or Canada?


Just a friendly reminder that Mickey Mouse should be Public domain by now.

But he's not since Disney is able to manipulate laws and loopholes so well. It really goes to show that laws are really only for poor people.


$20/hr is poverty. Here’s the receipt.


Is it working for free or volunteering? You be the judge!


Lawyers of antiwork

if someone is fired due to discriminatory practices or retaliation; how is that proven in court without any sort of paper trail? Especially in a right to work state.


Age discrimination by executives, I think this news belong here (link inside) IBM execs called older workers “dinobabies” in emails made public in a discrimination lawsuit on Friday. The documents show IBM's plans “to oust older employees from its workforce,” the plaintiff alleged.


No paystub, no correct pay, no W2

lol what the frig It’s work with the city too so I’m kinda confused. I was told it’ll be mailed to me but I’ve yet to receive any solutions to the 3 problems in the title. Context, I’m only 22 and just getting off being a dependent so all these taxes and pay stuff is throwing me off like crazy.


The Nation: Congressional Staffers Are Organizing a Much-Needed