
What percentage of borrowers refusing to pay student loans would it take to enact real change?

Forgive the rant but it seemed like a healthy way to talk about the gangrenous thorn that is a student loan, currently stuck in my ass. So I like many folks, find myself in the “I'm graduated, being paid OK money, but life and loan payments are so expensive I'm drowning” boat. I pay about $520 a month for my student loans, and each time I make a payment I wanna smash my computer into tiny pieces from pure, unfiltered rage. Life would SO much easier without it, I mean it is a literal rent payment that vanishes into thin air every month and for what? Talking with people like my family makes me wanna stick a fork in my leg when their response to it in discussion is “well when I was your age I had to pay monthly on my car/house/boat/rocket ship” like goddamn…. how do you not…

Forgive the rant but it seemed like a healthy way to talk about the gangrenous thorn that is a student loan, currently stuck in my ass. So I like many folks, find myself in the “I'm graduated, being paid OK money, but life and loan payments are so expensive I'm drowning” boat. I pay about $520 a month for my student loans, and each time I make a payment I wanna smash my computer into tiny pieces from pure, unfiltered rage. Life would SO much easier without it, I mean it is a literal rent payment that vanishes into thin air every month and for what? Talking with people like my family makes me wanna stick a fork in my leg when their response to it in discussion is “well when I was your age I had to pay monthly on my car/house/boat/rocket ship” like goddamn…. how do you not see the difference here……I have nothing to show for this magical wizard I have to send money to monthly under threat of never even having the possibility of buying a home or advancing financially.

At what point do people just collectively agree to acknowledge this for the big, dirty, rotten, sh*t stained fu*king scam that it is? If a large enough percentage of the population just said “Nope” it would have to eventually ripple to the point it hurts the entities and people in power. So many of us have this massive looming number over our heads and for what reason? Because a bunch of rich guys figured out it was a decent racket to target financially illiterate teenagers & extort them monthly until they're in their 50s? It's wrong, it's unethical, and it seems like an entire generation is SCREAMING “we don't want a free ride, we want a fair game.”

Say the majority of people just…stopped paying…okay so now we are all in default/delinquency…great….that matters when there's a basis to compare the numbers to. Would it not render the entire credit “system” they base the student loan model useless? What difference does an account in delinquency matter when it's the norm. Also, like just about anything it doesn't become “important” until the elite have something to lose….so say nobody is making their loans….CEO's and Banks are now pleading with the Fed to do something, as they're bleeding and have no idea how to generate revenue. The idea that I have this hurdle in front of me seems unfathomable, and it's extremely frustrating a large percentage of the “older generation” just don't seem to have a problem with it despite never even slightly having to experience it. I think about it constantly and hope there will EVENTUALLY be some kind of change, because this is insane and reflective we f*cked up hard somewhere along the road.

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