
Healthcare Executives Protest To Preserve For-Profit Healthcare


Bob knows what’s up


Negotiate with your patron they said. It´s a fair fight they said.

This is a case that happened in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. An immigrant went to grab USD37 that the employer owned him and got beat to death. Four cameras filmed the beating probably because this video would be used later to intimidate other workers from getting their rights. So fight for your labor rights while you can. Fight for a labor courts. One week after this event the youtuber Monark who translates propaganda from the american right wing media commited a crime on the plataform by nazi propaganda and nazi apology. Please keep fighting against the terrorist ideology from trumpism and other right wing cults cause they don´t kill people only in the US. Good lucky to us all.


There is “no travel advised” in my area right now due to severe weather and my $12.50 an hour retail job is upset that I am not coming into work.

It is a blizzard out there. It's still dark, it's foggy, there's heavy snowfall with extremely strong winds, it rained last night and now it's frozen making it insanely icey. I live in the country meaning it's half an hour to work in good conditions. The government has released a “no travel advised” statement in our area. Schools are delayed or canceled. I called in to work. We are far from essential, especially for just one day. You have to be crazy to try to shop right now. My boss of course is upset over the phone. My shift was only four hours so I say I just won't come in. By the time it's light out and possibly good enough to drive (which may not even happen) I would only get there for an hour or two. I'm not crashing my car for 24 bucks. It's not even worth…


Congress votes to ban forced arbitration in workplace sexual misconduct cases


Going to ask for a work accommodation. If I don’t get it I will make things very difficult for them.

Been here for 2.5 years and I have seniority as well as best sales performance in my market. The nature of the job involves a lot of driving. We will drive up to 2 hours away. I’ve seen a lot of crazy accidents and lost count of how many deer I’ve almost hit. During the heavy snow and ice we got in the Midwest last week they tried to make us work and still attempt the drive. We do not have direct management in our city we’re technically remote hires. That was the last straw for me. I stood up for myself and argued against the idea that upper management that doesn’t live in my area can decide if roads are safe to drive on. Made my point and we closed down for 3 days. I’m honestly ready to quit I already have backup plan. The audacity and principle of…


Feb. 11: Individually we are weak. Together we are strong.


My experience that brought me here (kind of long)

I had a job as a chef in a busy resteraunt having never done this kind of work before, I'd work very hard and always go the extra mile for everybody. I was only contracted to work 40 hours a week but ended up being pressured to work 50 hours minimum, I started having panic attacks in the middle of service and developed insomnia. I would work from 10am to sometimes 12-12.30am because they expected us to stay and clean after work. They had promised me at least £10.00 an hour plus tips, they were paying me £8.90, when I confronted them over it they said it was £8.90 but the tips made up for it, which btw was untrue as you only got paid about 13 hours worth of the pay you should have been getting by that explanation. We had a verbally abusive manager who would talk trash…


“One man to live in pleasure and wealth, whiles all other weep and smart for it, is the part not of a king, but of a jailor.” Thomas More, ‘Utopia’, 1516.


Making sense of short term gains?

I don't get it. Were I a billionaire, and given all the benefits of the doubt that I had some knowledge of economics and a semblance of insight into the world around me, would it not make the most sense to raise the standard of living of your employees and the average joe as fast as possible? More spending power will benefit each and every corporation. Every dollar that survives being spent on basic needs will either be used for luxuries or savings, both of which will pad the triple foundation of any business. Power to the consumer will feed into innovation, because companies will have a reason to build better products: People will be willing to pay for them. Eventually that compounds into invention of superior technologies, literally everyone benefits. Don't worry, you'll still be rich if you're rich. It's just that you'll be a rich person among other…