
Automated everything, AND came into some good money, BUT it’s not enough

I started in Helpdesk and moved into DevOps. Work from home and primarily use scripts to automate nearly everything. Not everything but nearly everything. But being Free is like living on an Island of abundance while everyone else drowns. For a moment you feel good to be out of the water, but looking at others around you who are still struggling, IT SUCKS. So i'm Begging you. If you're a dev, in IT/helpdesk, in DevOps, could you PLEASE help me help the people here at r/antiwork get out of their rut? It's not enough that we live free while they drown. That's not how humanity works. I know that not everyone is into computer systems and automation like we are but if we could somehow help them get SOME form of passive income to at least get them to Breathe a little, not only would it mean a lot to…

I started in Helpdesk and moved into DevOps. Work from home and primarily use scripts to automate nearly everything. Not everything but nearly everything. But being Free is like living on an Island of abundance while everyone else drowns. For a moment you feel good to be out of the water, but looking at others around you who are still struggling, IT SUCKS.

So i'm Begging you. If you're a dev, in IT/helpdesk, in DevOps, could you PLEASE help me help the people here at r/antiwork get out of their rut? It's not enough that we live free while they drown. That's not how humanity works. I know that not everyone is into computer systems and automation like we are but if we could somehow help them get SOME form of passive income to at least get them to Breathe a little, not only would it mean a lot to them, it would mean a lot to us too. at our heart and our Core we're Nerds, and it's our JOB to help people.

If you're a recent tech graduate or a newbie in the tech field, I WILL HELP YOU. But in exchange, could you make a promise to help me help everyone else. We can start off small. But slowly as we grow and help more and more people in this sub get out and truly LIVE, I KNOW that they in turn will help others out as well. So please if you're a tech, lets get people as many resources as possible to assist them.

If you're not a tech, could you help us “sort out” the information, give us critiques, and give us advice on how to make tech more accessible to everyone? or at least advice on how we can get you out of this shitty ass rat race?

also, i'm a socialist leftie but i don't give a damn who you are. Regardless of our ideological differences I know you're a good person and i'll do everything I can to help you. I promise.

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